FSE 6J00:

Anga Project

Priority Gold-Copper Project Bordering K92 Arakompa / Maniape Vein Systems




Gold & Copper

Land Package

461 km²


K92 – Kainantu Gold Mine



South Pacific’s Anga Project is located immediately northeast adjacent to K92’s operating Kainantu Gold Mine, known for its gold, copper and silver outputs. Comprised of 461 km² of exploration licenses in the highly mineralized and prospective Kainantu District,  road accessibility significantly enhances logistical advantages for project development. Anga’s project boundary is only 4km from K92’s current Arakompa drill program campaign and hosts potential for the possible extension of K92-style gold lode veins. Irinke Prospect exploration, highlighted by a newly identified sulfide-bearing shear zone exposed over 17 metres x 2 metres, was just completed with 237 soil and rock chip samples assays pending. 

Key Project Highlights

Potential for K92-Style Gold Lode Veins

Irinke and N2 Prospects lie within key NE and NW trending structural corridors that host K92’s Au-Ag-Cu veins and porphyry occurrences

Prospects with Large Footprints

Prospects exhibit extensive mineralization and alteration footprints up to 4×3 km suggesting significant discovery opportunity

Untapped Exploration Opportunities

Over two-thirds of the project area remains unexplored, providing a substantial scope for discovery

Results from historical and modern datasets have shown multiple Au and Cu mineralized prospects and targets. Irinke and N2 priority prospects lie within key NE and NW trending structural corridors that host K92’s Au-Ag-Cu veins and porphyry occurrences. Comprehensive soil and rock surface sampling and structural / geological mapping program underway at Irinke Prospect, with additional exploration planned for 2024.


Irinke Prospect

Prospect lies to the NE along strike from possible extension of K92’s lode-gold mineralized Maniape and Arakompa veins. Similar host rocks, coincident Au-Te-Bi soil anomalies and 2.28 g/t Au rock sample. Shows geophysical, surface alteration, and a structural setting that suggest an intact porphyry with a related high-level gold system.

  • New Shear Zone Discovery – newly identified sulfide-bearing shear zone exposed over 17 metres x 2 metres (“m”), with geological similarities to K92’s Arakompa lode gold-copper-silver vein, situated just 4 km away along strike
  • High-Grade Gold-Carbonate Base-Metal Vein Extensiona 30 cm wide structure hosting quartz-carbonate veins and breccias, which returned 2.28 grams per tonne (“g/t”) Au in a rock sample from 2022 sampling, has been exposed 24 m upstream from the original sample site
  • New Surface Samples Sent for Assay – 169 soil samples and 68 rock chip samples collected and sent for assay
  • Drill Target Identification and Regional Exploration – results of the Program will be used to assess possible drill targets and additional regional exploration programs being considered
  • Historical Exploration – significant gold-anomalous stream samples from historical regional exploration completed jointly by PNG-China (Chinese Geological Survey) in 2014
    • Involved sampling 776 samples over a broad portion of the Kainantu District
    • Results illustrate a gold anomalous region of similar tenor to that of K92’s deposits that are currently being mined. This anomaly is on a topographic high and is not downstream runoff from Arakompa

N2 Prospect

  • N2 is a porphyry target chosen by Barrick in 2012 from geophysical data, further supported by MobileMT geophysical data acquired by SPMC in 2022 and requires follow up surface sampling and mapping

The area is characterized by the presence of Elandora and Akuna intrusives—igneous rocks that are associated with copper and gold mineralization. The project benefits from extensive historical and modern data, which are set to be reinterpreted using modern mineral systems approaches aligned with exploration models relevant to this region.